


> pik help commands

  add             Adds another ruby location to pik.
  benchmark|bench Runs bencmarks with all versions that pik is aware of.
  config          Adds/modifies configuration options.
  default         Switches back to the default settings.
  devkit          Configures devkit settings
  gem             Runs the gem command with all versions that pik is aware of.
  gemsync         Synchronizes gems from the version specified to the current version.
  help            Displays help information.
  implode         Removes your pik configuration.
  info|checkup|cu Displays information about the current ruby version.
  install|in      Downloads and installs different ruby versions.
  list|ls         Lists ruby versions that pik is aware of.
  rake            Runs the rake command with all versions that pik is aware of.
  remove|rm       Removes a ruby location from pik.
  ruby|rb         Runs ruby with all versions that pik is aware of.
  run             Runs command with all versions of ruby that pik is aware of.
  tag             Adds the given tag to the current version.
  tags            Runs the pik command against the given tags.
  uninstall|unin  Deletes a ruby version from the filesystem and removes it from Pik.
  update|up       updates pik.
  use|switch|sw   Switches ruby versions based on patterns.